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Natural Arthritis Remedies

    by Dr. John H. Maher
Publisher: Longevity News, May 14, 2004

Tens of millions of people suffer from one form of arthritis or another. Most people continue to seek temporary relief through drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen, Motrin, or Extra Strength Tylenol and such. Tens of thousands die and are hospitalized because of these medications yearly!

However, more and more people have become aware of the ever-growing number of natural alternatives for arthritis. Alternatives that can actually give relief by supporting true healing. All this without damaging the stomach, kidneys and/or liver. No wonder the popularity of these drug free alternatives has skyrocketed!
Let's briefly review several of the more popular natural approaches.

Glucosamine Sulfate is probably the most popular relatively new arthritis "remedy". Glucosamine Sulfate (G.S.) is a natural substance healthy young bodies make. G.S. helps hydrate the cartilage between the joints. This helps keep them moist, springy, smooth and "slippery" so to speak. Dosage is related to size and is usually from 1600 to 2400 mg for 6-8 weeks. It takes about that long for it to work. If it does, the dosage is continued long term at 400 to 1200 mg. per day.

"Mucopolysaccharides", from sea cucumbers, have a similar reported nutritive action of "moistening" joints. Drug companies are actually trying to synthesize a similar compound for a prescription arthritis medication!

Anti-inflammatory enzymes from plant and animal sources have been proven to increase enzyme levels in the blood. Enzymes in the blood are one of the ways your body naturally deals with inflammation.

MSM, another sulfur containing compound, is a relative of DMSO, a liniment used on racehorses with joint pains. Though there is much less science behind MSM, anecdotal reports are extremely numerous. As such it is often included in "Joint Support" formulas.

As arthritis type complaints are one of the banes of aging, we have included Joint SYNergy in our on-line " anti-aging pharmacy" at the RxShopping Channel. This professional formula combines glucosamine, mucopolysaccarides, MSM and enzymes in a most complete formula for joint health. Two tablets, twice a day for 6 weeks, followed by one or two a day long-term maintenance is the usual recommendation. Large persons, or those with advanced joint disease, may want to increase this "joint food" to two tabs, three times a day, with maintenance at three per day.

Another new, if less well-known supplement is cetyl myristoleate a.k.a.CM, CMO and CM+. CMO and its relatives are long chain fatty acids that interrupt the inflammatory response in cell walls, including the cell walls of joints. Although expensive, a dose of 10-15 gm given over 4 to 6 weeks, if efficacious, is long lasting, so continued supplementation is often not needed for a while, even years. Sad to say, this product has become so popular that most of the formulas on the market are of inferior quality, if not a complete fraud! That is why we have chosen to make CM+ available to our wellness community. CM+ is best taken 2 tablets, twice a day, for 6 weeks. Maintenance "feedings" are rarely required!

We recommend in tough cases combining CM+ with Joint SYNergy to maximize joint nutrition. Studies report an 87% satisfactory response with this combination!

Certain herbs are often useful in arthritis. These include, but are not limited to tumeric, ginger, boswalia, devils claw and white willow bark. Several are usually combined in one formula, often with Vit. C, manganese and other antioxidant nutrients.

For arthritis in just one or two joints, ointments of some of the above products, plus the herb cayenne or some other "hot" stuff is just recently becoming readily available.

Sometimes diets help. Some foods trigger attacks. Gout is a well-known example. A not so well known example is arthritis caused by "night shade" vegetables (potatoes, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, and tobacco). Certain food sensitivities, even food allergy, can flare arthritis, especially the autoimmune type, like rheumatoid arthritis. DHEA and Pregnenalone have been used in large doses for autoimmune joint problems.

Sometimes eating a more vegetarian plant based, junk food free, low animal fat diet dramatically lowers pain and stiffness, adds extra energy, while lowering risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer as well!

If the arthritic joint is stuck a little out of its proper position, re-aligning it, usually by hand, will sometimes bring dramatic relief. This is especially true in the spine, neck, and hips. Such doctor performed re-alignments, mostly performed by chiropractor and osteopaths, usually cause a harmless popping sound.

Believe it or not, there are many other natural remedies beside the few I've mentioned. This can make it difficult to find which is best for your particular condition. Our best recommendation is to consult the natural health care provider of your choice, especially if Joint SYNergy and CM+ nutrients combined don't help you after 8 weeks.

Dr. John H. Maher,
Editor of "Longevity News"
Your FREE Anti-Aging Prescription On-line.

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